29.05.10 | Moved the site hosting to another provider. Apologies if you saw any down-time as a result of this change. Minor updates to other areas of the site. |
21.03.08 | Redesigned the web site. Now much less yellow :-). Replaced a lot of images with plain text for speedier loading. Removed the adverts and donation links. |
28.05.05 | Announcing the new damp forum. As I'm currently very slow at replying to emails and the mailing list is full of spam (I tried to get that sorted out but to no avail), I have opened a damp forum where you can discuss damp, ask for help etc. Hopefully I'll be a bit more active on this, and if not then I hope it'll develop into a thriving community where you can help each other without my intervention. |
17.02.02 | Opened the new damp shop. Show your support for damp buy purchasing various damp-branded products. |
25.11.01 | DAMP v0.97 WIP 8 released. Get it from the Work In Progress page. What's new:- Changed copyright messages to "1999-2001" instead of "1999/2000" - Sound output is now louder (a lot of people complained about how quiet damp was - it's now about twice as loud as it used to be) |
17.06.01 | Added the "Gallery" section to the site. It contains photos of hardware MP3 players people have built using DAMP Also added some more screenshots to the screenshots section. Tonight I managed to double the output volume of DAMP, so all those who didn't like it's low volume output should look out for the new release soon... |
10.03.01 | DAMP v0.97 WIP 7 released. Get it from the Work In Progress page. What's new:- Added util_previous_n_tracks() and util_next_n_tracks() for input drivers to use. - If you have beautify filenames enabled (which it is by default) then DAMP *should* retrieve the long filename, even under plain DOS, although I've not been able to test this myself. Use the -nolfn option if it gives you any problems (and let me know!). - Added the -show_playlist_number option. Specifying this will tell DAMP to display the playlist number as well as the track number. - The playlist window in the GUI now displays the track number as well as the filename. - You can now alter the pitch of the beep emitted (if you use the -beep option) by changing the beep_pitch setting in DAMP.ini Added a driver for a parallel port 20x4 LCD by Alex Vitzthum. Get it from the drivers page. Giorgio updated my ID3Edit utility, adding some more features. Get it from the download page. |
28.08.00 | DAMP v0.97 WIP 6 released. Get it from the Work In Progress page. What's new:- Fixed the LCD function util_time_remain_toggle which was previously mis-spelt as util_time_remiain_toggle. - Fixed a but that caused DAMP to quit if a playlist had a file in it which contained an illegal "*" character. - Added the XAudio support. Select it from the [audio_engine] section of DAMP.ini |
28.08.00 | DAMP v0.97 WIP 5 released. Get it from the Work In Progress page. What's new:- DAMP can return the current track number when it quits if you specify the -return_track option. This should be useful for front-end authors who want to make DAMP start from where it left off. Okay I know it's not a major update, but I really don't have much free time since starting work, and any future updates by me are likely to be small like this one. If you're a programmer, why not get the DAMP source from the DAMP Developer website and add the features you require. If you add anything really useful, be sure to let me know. |
08.07.00 | Okay there's 3 bits of news today: NEWS #1: Andrew Jardine submitted an LPT input driver based on IN_LPT.sc which also features multiplexing. Get it from the Drivers page. NEWS #2: DAMP v0.97 WIP 4 has been released. Get it from the Work In Progress page. Here's what's new: - Added the -yield option and "yield_cpu" setting in DAMP.ini. If you specify -yield, or set yield_cpu to "yes" then DAMP will give the CPU back to the system during its main loop. This may improve overall system performance when running in a multitasking environment, but could degrade performance of DAMP, so use only if your system has the horsepower :-) - Restructured the way DAMP handles audio playback internally, making it no longer DEPEND on the LibAMP library. So it's quite possible to use other playback libs (maybe even to play something other than MP3). As a test, I've added an XAudio driver. It's not complete, and using it with the graphics mode even causes my PIII-700 to stutter occasionally, but it shows it can be done... You can select which engine to use from the [audio_engine] section of DAMP.ini *NOTE THAT XAUDIO IS DISABLED IN THIS RELEASE* - Graphical visualisation mode should have improved performance on slower machines now. - Fixed a bug with using the keypad to select a playlist > 9 (Spotted by Klaus Ening) - Fixed a couple more bugs related to track numbering when changing playlists. - Continuous play when using multiple playlists should now work (not tested extensively) - Keyboard now almost totally redefineable in the "[keyboard]" section of DAMP.ini This means I've had to remove the keys N and M that selected a new gfx palette and a new gfx modifier - if this bothers anyone, let me know. - Fixed a bug where DAMP was actually ignoring the digi_volume setting in the [sound] section of DAMP.ini (spotted by Mike) NEWS #3: From Monday 10th July 2000 I'll be working at Codemasters programming the next generation of games for you to enjoy :-) As a result of this, my available free time is VASTLY reduced, and that means I'll have very little time to work on DAMP. I'll still be responding to email and I'll even continue to add stuff to DAMP when I get time. I'd particularly like to get DAMP up to a v1.00 stable release - so the above WIP will probably be the last one before v1.00 Now despite me not having much time to work on DAMP, I want to see it continue to grow and develop. Because of this, (drumroll please...) - The DAMP Source Code is now available!!! That's right, the source for v0.97 WIP 4 has been released on the DAMP Developer Web Site. As I had initially wanted to wait until v1.00 to release the source, it should be considered a "test" release. As such, the licence is very restrictive (basically all you're allowed to do with it is modify it for your own personal private use - you can't distribute anything you do to it). This will change when v1.00 comes along, when I hope to have a licence in place which will pretty much allow you to do anything (except claim you wrote DAMP and rip me off of course :-) So I'd like to take this opportunity to thank all the DAMP users world-wide, and I hope there's some developers out there who want to add more features to help DAMP to continue to grow. Oh, and remember to look out for my name in the credits of any forthcoming Codemasters games ;-) Thanks everyone. Matt Craven - DAMP Author. |
25.06.00 | Note that I'll be away from my computer until July 6th, so any mails I get won't be answered until then. |
17.06.00 |
The DAMP Developer web site is now online at http://www.damp-mp3.co.uk/developer/ It's for people who want to help develop DAMP by downloading the source code and adding features / fixing bugs. You could also use the source to completely customize DAMP for your own needs. Note that the source itself hasn't been released yet, but this is the site where it will appear soon. The site currently has links to the things you'll need in order to compile DAMP, and a couple of articles about coding with the DAMP source. So check it out, and keep checking back there for updates (and the source code!) |
06.06.00 | Max Timchenko has released a new front-end for DAMP that totally changes the way DAMP looks. Check it out here. Andy Chandler's also released a new version of his Jukebox front-end for DAMP. |